Friday, February 9, 2007

Timothy Dwight's Theology

Timothy Dwight's Theology: Explained & Defended, 4 volumes.
(May 14, 1752-January 11, 1817)

I'm researching the printing history, etc. of a couple sets of Dwight's Theology that I have to sell. One set is an 1836 printing (9th edition). While searching, this evening, I came across Solid Ground Christian Books' recent reprinting of this set. What a treasure this will be for pastors and students of theology.

This set contains chapel sermons by the late president of Yale College and grandson of Jonathan Edwards.

Lyman Beecher, a sophomore at Yale College, left us a stimulating account of the condition of the students, in 1975, when Dr. Timothy Dwight ascended to the presidency. He noted:

“Before he [Timothy Dwight] came, college was in a most ungodly state. The college church was almost extinct. Most of the students were skeptical, and rowdies were plenty. ...[M]ost of the class before me were infidels, and called each other Voltaire, Rousseau, D’Alembert, etc.” (Lyman Beecher, Autobiography, as quoted by Leonard Woolsey Bacon in A History of American Christianity.)
Here is how Dr. Dwight dealt with these hardened students:
“They thought the faculty were afraid of free discussion. But when they handed Dr. Dwight a list of subjects for class disputation, to their surprise, he selected this: ‘Is the Bible the word of God?’ and told them to do their best. He heard all they had to say, answered them, and there was an end. He preached incessantly for six months on the subject, and all infidelity skulked and hid its head. He elaborated his theological system in a series of forenoon sermons in the chapel; the afternoon discourses were practical. The original design of Yale College was to found a divinity school. To a mind appreciative, like mine, his preaching was a continual course of education and a continual feast. He was copious and polished in style, though disciplined and logical. There was a pith and power of doctrine there that has not been since surpassed, if equaled.” (Lyman Beecher, Autobiography, as quoted by Leonard Woolsey Bacon in A History of American Christianity.)
Dwight's Theology: Explained and Defended in a Series of Sermons was meant to be preached and made effective in convincing men and converting them to the service of God. These sermons were designed to be completed within the four years of the college curriculum, so that every graduate should have heard the whole of it. go to Solid Ground Christian Books

Considering the cost of an antiquarian set, Solid Ground's price is outstanding!

Purchase at: CBD | RHP | Amazon | Logos

Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, has also added his recommendation for this set:

"Dwight's theological sermons are worthy of careful study. Their clear, scriptural guidelines and experiential warmth promote practical Christianity. Read with discernment, they will still feed the soul today and challenge us to godly living in Christ Jesus."


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