Friday, October 17, 2008

ESV Study Bible | A Pictorial Introduction

Today, I watched the mailbox for the mailman and the front door for the UPS man with childlike anticipation for the delivery of a review copy of the newly published ESV Study Bible (Crossway Bibles). Tim received his copy yesterday, so we are both equipped and ready to dig through it and blog on it.

To get this started I would like to share with you some photos of this new ESV Hardcover edition.

(This seems like the only proper thing to due in light of the pattern set by a couple other bloggers:
Click on this collage to view each picture individually.
From ESV Study Bible

I realized before I went to bed that I should have included the ESV Children's Bible (hardcover). I purchased one for each of my children earlier this year. They truly enjoy reading it.


  1. Jason,
    Looks like you had fun last night! I should have thought to get my camera before tearing into the box. Looking to forward to blogging about some of the rich features of the ESVSB!

  2. Yes, I had a great time! I have also spent a little bit of time reading the front matter and a bit in the Psalms.

    Because of the multiple colors used throughout, some pages have a very slight blur. Have you noticed this? It isn't bad, but noticeable.

  3. I haven't really noticed a blur yet, but at my age most everything looks that way to me! So I guess I'm used to it. :-) Some of the pages seem to have slightly darker print than others. Not a problem, though, just barely noticeable. And I've seen the same thing in some other Bibles, too.

    Speaking of the general look of the pages, I appreciate the crisp fonts used. That helps me to make out even the smaller font size in the footnotes. BTW, I am overdue for a visit to the eye doctor. Maybe after the new year.
