Sunday, May 10, 2009

Book Review—The Bookends of the Christian Life

Jerry Bridges & Bob Bevington, The Bookends of the Christian Life. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2009.

If you’re like me, you may feel a little uncomfortable if someone asks you how you’re doing in your Christian living, especially if he gets too specific. “How’s your prayer-life?” “Are you consistent with daily devotions?” “Are you getting victory over sin and winning others to Christ?” Truth be known, I’m deficient in all these areas. Too often my life gets out of balance and seems hopelessly messed up. And I’m not eager for others to notice, but I could use a little help.

Jerry Bridges and Bob Bevington have co-written a book that aims to help believers stabilize their Christian lives in all of its aspects, whether “spiritual” or “temporal” (p. 13). The Bookends of the Christian Life, published by Crossway, is a 160-page exposition and application of two doctrines that are essential for successful Christian living. The authors use the illustration of books on a shelf supported by bookends to represent the various aspects of our lives being supported by these two doctrines.

The first bookend is the doctrine of the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ. This is the righteousness that Christ earned for us by His life of perfect obedience all the way to death, even death on a cross. Why is this doctrine so important that believers must lean on it for support? Bridges and Bevington answer:

We know we need a Savior, so we trust in Christ to redeem us from the curse of God’s law. But though we believe we’re saved as far as our eternal destiny is concerned, we may not be sure about our day-to-day standing with God. Many of us embrace a vague but very real notion that God’s approval has to be earned by our conduct. We know we’re saved by grace, but we believe God blesses us according to our level of personal obedience. Consequently, our confidence that we abide in God’s favor ebbs and flows according to how we gauge our performance. (p. 21)

The authors show from Scripture that “[j]ust as God charged our sin to Christ, so he credits the perfect obedience of Jesus to all who trust in him” (p. 25). They also emphasize the scriptural truth that the believer’s justification for Christ’s sake is “a daily, present reality” and that “it’s this reliance on Christ alone, apart from any consideration of our good or bad deeds, that enables us to experience the daily reality of the first bookend, in which the believer finds peace and joy and comfort and gratitude” (p. 29).

Bridges and Bevington anticipate an objection to the doctrine of Christ’s imputed righteousness: What does it matter how I live if God sees me as righteous because of what Christ did? This objection they answer in chapter 2, “The Motivation of the Gospel.” The authors reference three scriptural examples of people who experienced God’s grace, the third being the Apostle Paul. Rather than causing Paul to “slack off in his pursuit of Christlikeness,” the gospel “motivated him to press on and strain forward” out of “love and gratitude for the righteousness of Christ that was his by faith” (p. 38).

The second bookend is the power of the Holy Spirit to supply “the strength to carry out our motivation” (p. 81). Bridges and Bevington make an interesting and convincing argument that “the Spirit applies his power to our lives in two different ways” (p. 86)—through his synergistic work and his monergistic work. The synergistic work referred to “isn’t a pure synergism, as if we and the Spirit each contributed equal power to the task. Rather, we work as he enables us to work, so we use the expression qualified synergism” (p. 87). The authors point us to Philippians 2:12–13 where we are to work out our own salvation because God is working in us. “We are to work—to apply ourselves with utmost seriousness and vigilance. But we’re to do so with the recognition that God provides us with both the motivation (the will) and the power (the work) to obey” (pp. 87–88). The Spirit’s monergistic work means that “he works alone in us and for us but completely independent from us” (p. 88). The authors point to Scriptures showing that believers are born of the Spirit, given new responses to God through the Spirit, and given assurance of salvation and encouragement in spiritual warfare and temptation through the Spirit (pp. 88–90).

But how does the believer apply this teaching of the Spirit’s work? Bridges and Bevington urge believers to take an attitude of “dependent responsibility.” Again, the authors present Paul as an example of working hard to become more Christlike, trusting the Spirit to provide the necessary power. “The Spirit’s role was not to make Paul’s own energy unnecessary but, rather, to make it effective” (p. 96).

The authors teach that leaning on both of these bookends will promote stability, joy, and peace in our lives and help us avoid those detrimental attitudes they label “Gospel Enemies”: self-righteousness, persistent guilt, and self-reliance. They devote a chapter to each of these enemies, providing lists of piercing questions by which we may test ourselves to reveal and defeat the enemy within. The book concludes with “The Bookends Personal Worldview,” that answers the question, “What’s next?” In the authors’ own words:

Instead of page after page and chapter after chapter of a storyline filled with self-righteousness, persistent guilt, and self-reliance, the pages and chapters of books that are stabilized by the bookends should tell an action-packed story of selfless serving, radical giving, and sacrificial living. The impact of being covered by the perfect righteousness of Christ and being enabled by the infinite power of the Holy Spirit should change everything. The result of living between the bookends should be a resounding, “Here am I, Lord; send me!” (p. 154)

I found this book enjoyable, yet challenging to read. The writing style is easy to follow, and their approach to explaining and applying Scripture reminds me of the Puritans; there is scholarship in all these pages, but the presentation is warmly devotional. In fact, Bridges and Bevington quote or paraphrase John Owen, Thomas Wilcox, Thomas Chalmers, and John Newton, along with several contemporary writers.

All believers, regardless of occupation or level of Christian growth, should be able to profit from reading this book. The gospel is so well-presented that the book might even be used in evangelism with people who are more thoughtful and open to discussion about theological matters. Pastors would also be helped by the message of this relatively short book. Bridges and Bevington tell the story of a pastor of a performance-driven mega church who recently rediscovered the gospel of Christ’s imputed righteousness and how that has changed his outlook on himself and his ministry.

I found myself thanking the Lord several times for the precious scriptural truths expounded and illustrated in Bookends. Though I’ve been in Christ a long time now, it’s been only in recent years that I’ve come to a clearer understanding of what Christ’s perfect obedience means for me. With God’s enabling, perhaps the books of my life will stand on the shelf a little more neatly, leaning firmly on the bookends!


  1. Where in Scripture does it talk of imputing Christ's righteousness? I nowhere see such a teaching.

  2. Nick,

    In Romans 4:6 we read, "just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works."

    The word “impute” means “to pass to one’s account, to count over” It means that Jesus places His righteousness upon our record when we trust upon Him for salvation. Romans chapter four speaks concerning Abraham, “For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” (Romans 4:3). What a beautiful truth! Abraham was not saved by good works; but rather, he believed God and was saved by Christ’s righteousness. Christ’s perfection was imputed (placed) on Abraham’s record in Heaven. God the Father viewed Abraham thereafter as having the righteousness of Christ. What a Savior!

    We read in Romans 4:8, “Blessed is the man to whom the LORD shall not IMPUTE sin." Not only was Christ’s righteousness imputed (counted) to Abraham’s record, but Abraham’s sinful record was imputed to Christ. Literally, Jesus became as sin for us and died a sinner's death . . . “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” (2nd Corinthians 5:21).

    We read concerning Abraham . . .
    And therefore “it was accounted to him for righteousness.” Now it was not written for his sake alone that it was IMPUTED to him, but also for us. It shall be IMPUTED to us who believe in Him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead."

    This is a beautiful passage of Scripture, teaching that God is willing to IMPUTE Christ's righteousness to us as well, just as He did to Abraham, if we'll simply believe on the Lord.

  3. Thank you Bruce, here are my comments:

    I looked up the term "impute" in a Lexicon and it is the Greek word "logizomai" which is used as the English term for "reckon/impute/credit/etc," here is what it is defined as:

    QUOTE: "This word deals with reality. If I "logizomai" or reckon that my bank book has $25 in it, it has $25 in it. Otherwise I am deceiving myself. This word refers to facts not suppositions."

    The Lexicon states this term first and foremost refers to the actual status of something. So if Abraham's faith is "logizomai as righteouness," it must be an actually righteous act of faith, otherwise (as the Lexicon says) "I am deceiving myself." This seems to rule out any notion of an alien righteousness, and instead points to a local/inherent righteousness.

    The Lexicon gives other examples where "logizomai" appears, here are 3 examples:

    Rom 3:28 Therefore we conclude [logizomai] that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

    Rom 6:11 Likewise reckon [logizomai] ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    Rom 8:18 For I reckon [logizomai] that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

    Notice in these examples that "logizomai" means to consider the actual truth of an object. In 3:28 Paul 'reckons' faith saves while the Law does not, this is a fact, the Law never saves. In 6:11 the Christian is 'reckoned' dead to sin because he is in fact dead to sin. In 8:18 Paul 'reckons' the present sufferings as having no comparison to Heavenly glory, and that is true because nothing compares to Heavenly glory.

    To use logizomai in the "alien status" way would mean in: (1) 3:28 faith doesn't really save apart from works, but we are going to go ahead and say it does; (2) 6:11 that we are not really dead to sin but are going to say we are; (3) 8:18 the present sufferings are comparable to Heaven's glory.
    This cannot be right.

    So when the text plainly says "faith is logizomai as righteousness," I must read that as 'faith is reckoned as a truly righteous act', and that is precisely how Paul explains that phrase in 4:18-22. That despite the doubts that could be raised in Abraham's heart, his faith grew strong and convinced and "that is why his faith was credited as righteousness" (v4:22).

    You also mentioned the "non imputation" of sin in 4:8, but again the term logizomai here would mean God doesn't count David a sinner precisely because David is forgiven (See Ps 32:1-5 where this is precisely what is taught).

    You spoke of Paul teaching a "double imputation" in 2 Cor 5:21, but I don't see the term "impute" there at all, so I'd be very cautious reading in something like your "double imputation."

    I thank you for your time and look forward to any comments or corrections of my post.
