Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Mea Culpa: Calvin on Cheap Grace

Calvin admonished those who thought it was good enough to go to church and who thought that grace was cheap. Some seemed to think that if there was forgiveness, there was no need to concern oneself with living a careful life. "The people want to make a little pact with God. They think they are square with him if they simply say mea culpa." As Calvin saw it, such things had nothing to do with being a Christian. Apart from inward examination and the experience and confession of one's guilt and lost state, the Christian life had not even begun.

Herman J. Selderhuis, John Calvin: A Pilgrim's Life (InterVarsity Press, March 2009), p. 164.


Read my introduction and recommendation here.

Book Excerpts

1. Orphan (1509-1533)


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