Sunday, October 15, 2006

Wise Counsel on Reading from John Newton

I was just reading some of the latest issue of FrontLine Magazine (July/August 2006, Vol. 16, No. 4) and I came upon the following quotes in an article written by Mark Minnick. The title of the article is Would You Like Some Wise Counsel?

His article is a "potpourri of excerpts from [John Newton's] letters to preachers." Amongst many excellent topics is that of Reading. Here is some of Newton's advise:

January 11, 1769. Next to the word of God, I like those books best which give an account of the lives and experiences of his people.... Some of the letters and lives in Fox's Acts and Monuments, in the third volume, have been very useful to me. But no book of this kind has been more welcome to me than the Life of Mr. Brainerd, of New England, re-published a few years since at Edinburgh, and I believe sold by Dilly, in London.... I suppose you have read Augustine's Confessions. In that book I think there is a lively description of the workings of the heart, and of the Lord's methods in drawing him to himself. It has given me satisfaction to meet with experiences very much like my own, in a book written so long ago. But nature and grace have been the same in every age (VI, 211-12).

1784. I know no author who is worthy the honour of being followed absolutely and without reserve (V, 86).

I love this last quote. I'm going to add it to the blog header. Great advise! Thank you brother Newton.

Banner of Truth has published six volumes of his collected works.

The works of the Rev. John Newton,: Containing, an authentic narrative, etc., letters on religious subjects, cardiphonia, discourses intended for the pulpit, ... Messiah, occasional sermons, and tracts,

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