Here's another classic I am glad to have available to read and mark up on my iPad. Thanks Logos!
Don’t miss your chance! Get Athanasius’ On the Incarnation of the Word of God for free now!
Theological Sources for Studying the Scriptures
Athanasius' On the Incarnation - Free Ebook from Logos (April 2016)
Election, Discipleship and Evangelical Theology - New from IVP Academic
Essentially, the distinguishing mark of those who strive after Christian perfection is that they love the sinner and detest only sins.
When they must avenge wrongdoing, they do so, not with the cruelty of hatred, but with justice administered with moderation, lest forgiveness without satisfaction do more harm to the sinner than punishment. (emphasis mine)(Augustine, Against Adimantus 17, cited John E Rotelle, O.S.A, in Augustine Day by Day)
The Harm of Forgiveness without Satisfaction
on Regular Bible Reading
Thomas Oden: on The Vault of Christian Antiquity
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Which Books Should Be in Every Church Library?
Doxology in the Midst of Perceived Abandonment
St. Patrick's Bad Analogies