Monday, July 14, 2008

Mediating Between Dispensational and Covenant Theologies

Walter C. Kaiser, Jr's The Promise-Plan of God: A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments (Zondervan, 2008) is a revision and expansion of his Toward an Old Testament Theology (Zondervan, 1978). The introduction to this volume is brand new and replaces the introduction to TaOTT. Kaiser address the values and liabilities of both Dispensational and Covenantal systems of theology, especially "how each decides if there exists one or two 'people(s) of God' (i.e., Israel and the church) and one or two 'program(s) of God' (i.e., a single redemptive-historical program or an earthly and a heavenly program for Israel and the church)" (p. 26). His purpose in the present book is to argue for what he believes to be the unifying theme of the whole Bible. In doing so, it is necessary that he address these two major evangelical systems of Biblical interpretation.

As I first read through this section, I must admit that I feared that Kaiser presented each view in strokes that were far to broad. I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and tried to assume that he had presented each system in general terms due to space constraints, but after a third round I am certain that this section is designed to suit Kaiser’s purposes more than it gives either system a fair shake.

His presentation of Covenant (Reformed) Theology is reductionistic and outdated. Some may hold to this position, but it, as Kaiser states, is “an older view” (p. 26). What benefit is there in setting up one’s view by presenting an old, and admittedly faulty view? A quick read through contemporary, Reformed scholarship will prove ably that the bilateral view of the Abrahamic covenant has been soundly refuted. At that, although the “older view” emphasized covenant as a unifying theme of Scripture, Reformed scholarship has found better unifying themes, such as Yahweh, Holiness, the sovereignty of God, the glory of God, the kingdom of God, Jesus Christ, and a combination of the kingdom of God and His glory (see Bruce Waltke’s An Old Testament Theology and Gerard Van Gronigen’s Biblical Theology: Audio Transcription of Lesson 2: Biblical Theology, II). Also, “the older view” necessarily saw God as being completely finished with Israel as a nation, but some contemporary, Reformed scholars have carefully rethought that position. Kaiser has simply framed his argument with broad enough strokes to make his case look even better. This is irksome for two reasons: 1) a textbook should present opposing views as adequately and fairly as the author is able and I can’t imagine that Kaiser is unaware of the most current theological views held in Reformed circles; and 2) Kaiser approaches the subject of Biblical Theology from a very strong, exegetical position and with a desire to not be enslaved to a theological system, and I think that his presentation of “promise-plan” is fantastic. I think that he could easily make his case in light of the contemporary, Reformed positions, but the reader is left to work this out on his/her own.

Next, Kaiser presents the Dispensational position but limits the discussion to the traditional/classical view. Granted, many still cling to this paradigm, but many advances have been made among Dispensationalists with respect to the “two peoples of God” and the “two programs of God” issues.

Kaiser frames his position in the way that he does to show how viable an alternative there is in tracing the theme of promise throughout the Bible. As Kaiser presents his mediating position he seeks to correct the former “solutions of the relationship of Israel and the Christian church” (p. 27). First, once you come to see that the covenant with Israel is, in fact, unilateral and unconditional the term promise best describes the situation. Second, the basis of promise is necessarily that of grace. Kaiser’s view holds that “there is only one ‘people of God’ (even though there may be numerous aspects of that same singular group) and there is only one ‘program of God’ (again, with several aspects all within that one umbrella term)” (p. 27).

Later in this Introduction (p. 30) Kaiser tips his hat to Progressive Dispensationalism, but he avoids interacting with this view. If time permits for this volume to be revised, I wish to see this Introduction expanded to deal with contemporary scholarship.


  1. When you say this is a reworking of TaOTT, other than the introduction, how much is the new edition different from the older one? I happen to have the older book (picked up cheap somewhere along the way, alas, still unread!!). Just wondered if there was any substantial reworking of the body of the book.

    Don Johnson
    Jer 33.3

  2. Don,
    Kaiser answers this question for Andy Cheung (see interview with Kaiser). Here's his answer:

    "It's an update of the Old Testament although I dropped off the first 70 or so pages of introductory material. I've expanded the content of the OT and added excurses and of course the NT section is brand new."

    I'll add a few more notes on this in a new post.

  3. Thanks, Jason. I suppose I should have checked there first!

    Some of the other answers he gives are quite interesting, especially on hermeneutics. I don't quite agree with him that the OT authors understood all they were to write. Daniel 12 comes to mind. At the same time, there is a good deal to say for the notion that the NT doesn't reinterpret the OT.

    Don Johnson
    Jer 33.3

  4. No, thank you for asking! I'm working on a post that should highlight more of the differences.

    I see that my link to the interview is incorrect. Let my try again: Andy Cheung's interview with W. Kaiser.

    I know what you are saying, but I think the key term is "adequate." Some theological systems short change the OT writers as if they "hadn't a clue." Kaiser is in line with a growing trend among scholars to give the OT writers better credit. Sure they probably didn't know all of the minutia, but I think that they understood the big idea.

    Kaiser's approach to this passage gives a wonderful overview of the main point. He writes,

    "Thus, as the colossus of human attempts to tyrannize people came to an end with the irruption of the kingdom of God and his King according to the ancient but renewed promise, there appeared one final all-powerful king who was the summation of all the power and kingdoms of humanity, the anti-messiah. But God's Messiah would easily vanquish that evil one, introduce his kingdom, and give that new righteous and everlasting dominion to his 'holy ones,' many of whom he would resurrect bodily from the dust of the earth; and they would shine as stars forevermore" (1978:249; 2008:216).

    If Daniel understood this much, and that's what I believe Kaiser is arguing, he was doing all right.

  5. Hi again Jason,

    I see, and maybe I need to get reading Kaiser now! I am currently reading McClain's The Greatness of the Kingdom. (Don't buy all the propositions, but still quite a book.)

    A few years ago, I did a project in our church of preaching through the Bible chronologically. We did the OT in 9 months and NT in 8. (25 chapters a week OT, 8 a week NT). All four services during the week were devoted to this preaching project. In addition, I produced a study guide for our people each week. It was quite an eye-opening experience for all of us, me included. The Big Themes of the Bible are really an important part of our understanding of the little parts.

    So this conception of what the OT writers knew (and when did they know it) is an important part of understanding the whole.

    Anyway, thanks for this. It is quite profitable.

    Don Johnson
    Jer 33.3

  6. Wow, that was an ambitious project, and I don't doubt that it was extremely helpful to all. I was in my early to mid-twenties before I really had a decent grasp of the "big themes" of the Bible (and I was reared in a Christian home).

    You're very correct when you say "this conception of what the OT writers knew (and when did they know it) is an important part of understanding the whole." This is an issue that Waltke addresses very nicely in An Old Testament Theology. I don't have it handy right now but I'll have to dig out a quote.

    Michael Barrett's Beginning at Moses and O. Palmer Robertson's The Christ of the Covenants. These are from a Reformed perspective, but should be considered even by the non-reformed.

    Eugene Merrill, has also done a lot of work in this regard (focusing on the OT) and his latest book Everlasting Dominion is very helpful. Merrill is very conservative, dispensational, and up-to-date on current scholarship. I'm enjoying reading this book now.

    I'll have to see if I can pull some quotes from these books that address this issue.

  7. Those quotes would be interesting. Merrill is a BJU grad, I think. ... just checked my copy of his An Historical survey of the Old Testament. Yes, he got BA, MA, and PhD from BJU. That would explain the conservativism, I guess.

    Anyway, I'll watch this space for anything you dig up on this.

    Don Johnson
    Jer 33.3
