Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Themelios 34:2 is Now Online

The latest issue of Themelios is now available online. There are some very fine articles, but I would like to draw particular attention to a handful of reviews I found to be helpful.

Old Testament

A. Philip Brown II and Bryan W. Smith, eds. - A Reader’s Hebrew Bible
(reviewed by Christopher Cowan)
I was very glad to see this volume highlighted in Themolios. This is an excellent tools for those with a beginning to intermediate level of skill with Hebrew. We highlighted this resource and posted interviews with the editors (here, here, here, here, here, and here).

Gregory K. Beale - We Become What We Worship: A Biblical Theology of Idolatry
(reviewed by Mathieu Richelle)
This is a great book which I have heartily recommended on the blog (here). We also posted a review by David Wenkel (here). Richelle does an excellent job critiquing this book. This is very helpful.

Bruce Waltke, with Charles Yu - An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach
(reviewed by Rodrigo de Sousa)
A very judicious review. I have enjoyed reading this volume, but there are a few peculiarities which de Sousa does a fine job of critiquing.

New Testament

Joseph Fitzmyer - First Corinthians
(reviewed by Nijay Gupta)

Edited by William Foxwell Albright, David Noel Freedman, and John J. Collins - The Anchor Yale Bible
(reviewed by Andy Naselli)
I found this to be a very helpful introduction to this commentary series.

Craig L. Blomberg and Mariam J. Kamell. - James
(reviewed by Scott Newman)
We highlighted this commentary on the blog last November (read here).

History and Historical Theology

Herman J. Selderhuis - John Calvin: A Pilgrim’s Life
(reviewed by David Roach)
This is an excellent biography. I highly recommend it (read here).
Systematic Theology and Bioethics

Craig L. Blomberg and Sung Wook Chung, eds. - A Case for Historic Premillennialism: An Alternative to “Left Behind” Eschatology
(reviewed by A. J. Gibson)
I was delighted when I first heard of this book (read here). I was even more delighted to find A. J.'s review. I, too, am looking forward to more works on this subject.
Ethics and Pastoralia

Mark Dever and Paul Alexander - The Deliberate Church: Building Your Ministry on the Gospel
Graham Tomlin - The Provocative Church
(both of these titles were reviewed by James M. Curtis)
This is the first review of Tomlin's book that I have found. I'm very glad that Curtis highlighted Tomlin's re-defining of repentance. I have not read this book, but I have watched Tomlin's lectures through this book. The contrast in these two titles highlights a major difference in ministry philosophy between Dever/Alexander and Tomlin. I, personally, was surprised that Curtis took to Tomlin's book more than to Dever's. In any case, these were also very helpful reviews.


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