Monday, December 29, 2008

James Petigru Boyce as Seminary Librarian

Yesterday was the 120th anniversary of the death of James Petigru Boyce. Below you will find a notice from the Boyce Centennial Library (at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY) regarding a special exhibit currently on display.
James P. Boyce as Seminary Librarian

December 28th marks the 120th anniversary of the death of James P. Boyce. In honor of this occasion, the Archives and Special Collections of the James P. Boyce Centennial Library is currently displaying an exhibit entitled, “James P. Boyce as Seminary Librarian”. The exhibit includes the two-volume catalog of Dr. Boyce’s personal library, as well as representative materials from the his personal library that he bequeathed to the seminary. The exhibit will be on display until March 10, 2009, and is available for viewing from 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday in the Billy Graham Room on the second floor of the library.

The library also offers a short biography and listing of the works of Boyce: James P. Boyce Papers (inventory).

There is also some helpful information on James P. Boyce posted at the Reformed Reader.

Boyce's Abstract of Systematic Theology can be read online at the Founders Ministries website.

Two other helpful biographical sources on Boyce are as follows:
To the left are three pictures I took of street signs in the Pettigru Historic District in Greenville, SC. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has its origin in Greenville very near to the location of this beautiful neighborhood. Prior to the Civil War the seminary was founded by John Albert Broadus, Basil Manl, Jr., Wiliam Williams, and James Petigru Boyce in 1859. The seminary was located within First Baptist Church and Boyce served as the first president.

Boyce's estate was located in the area now desgnated as the Pettigru Historic District. Many of the streets bear the names of the founders and professors of the seminary (Boyce, Pettigru, Manly, Broadus, Williams, Whitsett, and Toy). (View this at Google Maps.) The top photo is the intersection of Manly and Pettigru. The middle photo shows a sign for the Pettigru Historic District along with Boyce avenue. The bottom photo is another intersection of Boyce avenue.

HT: Michael Haykin at The Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies


  1. My wife and I used to live on Whitsett St, in a suite on the top floor of a funny little old lady's house. It's a law office now. When we lived there, the end of Whitsett/Pettigru towards 385 was a little seedy. And I seem to recall some odd hippie artists living next door also...

    Don Johnson
    Jer 33.3

  2. How about that! Have you ever visited the Springwood Cemetery (NW of the BiLo Center)?

    There is a section that was reserved for seminary faculty and family. There is a Manly family plot in which Basil Manly, Sr. is buried. There is also a marker for Basil Manly, Jr. indicating that he is interred in Louisville, KY. There, also, are markers for two of J. A. Broadus' daughters (Julia and Nellie).

    I spent a bunch of time photographing markers there. That was a lot of fun.

  3. Hi Jason,

    No, I wasn't aware of the cemetery, just the street names and who they represented. I was glad I didn't live on Toy St, for example.

    Next time I am in Greenville, I will have to find time to look up Springwood.

    Don Johnson
    Jer 33.3

  4. Yes, I guess Toy was a bit controvesial, eh?
