The following is a list of 19th century commentaries on the Book of Psalms. As you will see, this list is divided into two groups: Non-Technical Exposition & Technical Exegesis.
Under each post is a list of sources of recommendations. Some titles have a link, or reference to a review of the book.
Disclaimer: The inclusion of a title in this list does not indicate a full endorsement of its theological perspective and/or content by the contributors to this blog. Titles included are recommended by various authorities (as noted) and should be read and used with much prayer and Biblical discernment.COMMENTARIES ON THE PSALMS (19TH CENTURY)
Non-Technical Exposition
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Alexander, J. A. Commentary on Psalms. ( Edinburgh: John Greig and Son, 1864; Reprint ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1991).
Conservative. Original title, "The Psalms Translated and Explained."
Recommended by:
- Barber, Cyril J. The Minister's Library. (1974; Reprint ed. 1985).
- Evans, John F. A Guide to Biblical Commentaries and Reference Works. (na; 5th ed, revised. na).
"Worthwhile for purchase but not a first priority."
- Spurgeon, C. H. Commenting and Commentaries. (1876; Reprint ed. 1981).
- The Buswell Library. Selected Old Testament Commentaries. (7 May, 2002).
- Vincent, Robert & Tim Leaman. Compilation of Commentaries on the Books of the Bible.
Conservative. [Anglican Evangelical] Originally published in 3 volumes (Psalms 1-41 in 1890; Psalms 42-89 in 1895; Psalms 43-150 in 1901); 1 volume edition in 1902.
Recommended by:
- Akin, Daniel L. Building a Theological Library: The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. (na).
- Childs, Brevard S. Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture. (1979).
- Smith, Wilbur M., ed. International Bible Lessons for Christian Living. Uniform Series, 1949. (1948).
"It is almost indispensable, and probably, all things considered, the best commentary we have for getting at the meaning of the text itself."
- Vincent, Robert & Tim Leaman. Compilation of Commentaries on the Books of the Bible. (nd).
Conservative. [English Baptist] Generally published in three volumes, sometimes found in two volumes. Devotional exposition.
Recommended by:
- Barber, Cyril J. The Minister's Library. (1974; Reprint ed. 1985).
"A master treatment."
- Smith, Wilbur M., ed. International Bible Lessons for Christian Living. Uniform Series, 1949. (1948).
"For devotional exposition, superb."
- Vincent, Robert & Tim Leaman. Compilation of Commentaries on the Books of the Bible. (nd).
Conservative. [Scottish Evangelical]
Recommended by:
- Rosscup, James E. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors. (1966; Revised & enlarged ed. 2004).
#4 Expositional Survey
- Smith, Wilbur M., ed. International Bible Lessons for Christian Living. Uniform Series, 1949. (1948).
Conservative. [English Baptist]
Recommended by:
- Barber, Cyril J. The Minister's Library. (1974; Reprint ed. 1985).
- Custer, Stewart. Tools for Preaching and Teaching the Bible. (1979; 2nd ed., 1998).
- Jackson, Samuel M. "A Ministerial Library." in Schaff's Theological Propaedeutic. (1894).
- Rosscup, James E. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors. (1966; Revised & enlarged ed. 2004).
#1 Devotional
- Smith, Wilbur M., ed. International Bible Lessons for Christian Living. Uniform Series, 1949. (1948).
"This work has had an enormous circulation, and has proved a mine of treasure for many preachers. Some sneer at it, but we ought to remember the words of James Stalker, a real Biblical scholar: 'Spurgeon has far more learning than he gets credit for; he seldom misses the drift of a Psalm, and in his heaps of accumulations there is many a remark or illustration that can be made to shine like a gem in a discourse.'"
- Vincent, Robert & Tim Leaman. Compilation of Commentaries on the Books of the Bible. (nd).
Technical Exegesis
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Delitzsch, Franz. Biblical Commentary on the Psalms. Trans. Francis Bolton. Commentary on the Old Testament. Vol. 5. (2 vols. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1871; Reprint ed. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc, 1996).
Conservative—Critical. [German Lutheran]
Recommended by:
- Childs, Brevard S. Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture. (1979).
- Custer, Stewart. Tools for Preaching and Teaching the Bible. (1979; 2nd ed., 1998).
- Evans, John F. A Guide to Biblical Commentaries and Reference Works. (na.; 5th ed, revised).
- Mays, James L. Psalms. Patrick D. Miller, ed. (1994).
- Smith, Wilbur M., ed. International Bible Lessons for Christian Living. Uniform Series, 1949. (1948).
"For getting at the exact meaning of the Hebrew, this is probably the best work we have on the Psalms. Only advanced students, however, should attempt to work with Delitzsch."
- The Buswell Library. Selected Old Testament Commentaries. (7 May, 2002).
Conservative. [Anglican] Good translations, outlines, notes.
Recommended by:
- Barber, Cyril J. The Minister's Library. (1974. Reprint ed., 1985).
- Childs, Brevard S. Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture. (1979; na).
- Custer, Stewart. Tools for Preaching and Teaching the Bible. 1979. 2nd ed. Greenville, SC: Bob Jones University Press, 1998.
- Jackson, Samuel M. "A Ministerial Library." in Schaff's Theological Propaedeutic. (1894).
- Rosscup, James E. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors. (1966; Revised & enlarged ed. 2004).
#4 Detailed Exegetical
- Smith, Wilbur M., ed. International Bible Lessons for Christian Living. Uniform Series, 1949. (1948).
"In places inferior to Kirkpatrick, and in other places quite superior to him."
- Spurgeon, C. H. Commenting and Commentaries. (1876; Reprint ed. 1981).
- The Buswell Library. Selected Old Testament Commentaries. (7 May, 2002).
- Vincent, Robert & Tim Leaman. Compilation of Commentaries on the Books of the Bible. (nd).
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