Under each post is a list of sources of recommendations. Some titles have a link, or reference to a review of the book.
Disclaimer: The inclusion of a title in this list does not indicate a full endorsement of its theological perspective and/or content by the contributors to this blog. Titles included are recommended by various authorities (as noted) and should be read and used with much prayer and Biblical discernment.COMMENTARIES ON THE PSALMS (20TH & 21ST CENTURY)
Non-Technical Exposition
Purchase: [WTS | CBD | Amazon]
Alden, Robert. Psalms. (3 vols. Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1974-1976).
Recommended by:
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
"Informed by scholarly research." Layman; 2 stars.
- Rosscup, James E. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors. (1966; Revised & enlarged ed. 2004).
Anderson, Alan. The Book of Psalms. New Century Bible Commentary. (2 vols. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co, 1972).
Recommended by:
- Childs, Brevard S. Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture. (1979).
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
For Ministers. 2 stars.
Conservative—Critical. [American Evangelical]
Recommended by:
- Glynn, John. Commentary and Reference Survey: A Comprehensive Guide to Biblical and Theological Resources. (na.; 10th ed. 2007).
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
For Laymen/Ministers. 3 stars.
- Tate, Marvin E. "2004 Supplement with Update of Research and Bibliography" in Psalms 1-50. Word Biblical Commentary. (1983; 2nd ed. 2004).
Recommended by:
- Calvin Theological Seminary. Recommended Commentaries. [2007]
"Focus on spirituality formed by solid exegesis."
- Rosscup, James E. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors. (1966; Revised & enlarged ed. 2004).
#3 Expositional Survey
- Tate, Marvin E. "2004 Supplement with Update of Research and Bibliography" in Psalms 1-50. Word Biblical Commentary. (1983; 2nd ed. 2004).
- The Buswell Library. Selected Old Testament Commentaries. (7 May, 2002).
- Williams, Tyler F. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (2005).
1 star.
Conservative. [Anglican]
Recommended by:
- Akin, Daniel L. Building a Theological Library. (2006; na).
- Akin, Daniel L. Building a Theological Library: The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
- Carroll R., M. Daniel & Richard S. Hess. Annotated Old Testament Bibliography. (Denver Journal. (2005).
"An Evangelical musical artist and theological exegete brings the Psalms to life."
- Carroll R., M. Daniel, Hélène Dallaire, & Richard S. Hess. Annotated Old Testament Bibliography. Denver Journal. (2007).
- Childs, Brevard S. Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture. (1979).
- Custer, Stewart. Tools for Preaching and Teaching the Bible. (1979; 2nd ed. 1998).
- Evans, John F. A Guide to Biblical Commentaries and Reference Works. (na; 5th ed, revised. na).
- Goldingay, John E. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (2001).
- Longman, Tremper, III. How to Read the Psalms. (2006).
"Kidner…has produced an extremely valuable commentary on the Psalms. His comments are brief, but they are clear and packed with insight. Though readable, they distill profound scholarship. This is the commentary I recommend most for laypeople who are interested in the Psalms."
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 3rd ed. 2003).
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
"This commentary is highly recommended for its
theological insight and practical bent." Layman/Ministers. 3 stars. - Rosscup, James E. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors. (1966; Revised & enlarged ed. 2004).
#3 Expositional Survey
- Stuart, Douglas K. A Guide to Selecting and Using Bible Commentaries. (1990).
- The Buswell Library. Selected Old Testament Commentaries. (7 May, 2002).
- Vincent, Robert & Tim Leaman. Compilation of Commentaries on the Books of the Bible.
Conservative. [American Lutheran]
Recommended by:
- Akin, Daniel L. Building a Theological Library. (2006; na).
First pick.
- Akin, Daniel L. Building a Theological Library: The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
- Barber, Cyril J. The Minister's Library. (1974; Reprint ed. 1985).
- Custer, Stewart. Tools for Preaching and Teaching the Bible. (1979; 2nd ed. 1998).
- Rosscup, James E. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors. (1966; Revised & enlarged ed. 2004).
#3 Detailed Exegetical
- Vincent, Robert & Tim Leaman. Compilation of Commentaries on the Books of the Bible.
Limburg, James. Psalms. Westminster Bible Companion. (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2000; Louisville, KY: John Knox Press, 2002).
Reviewed by:
- Bruce A. Power Review of Biblical Literature 9/30/2002
Recommended by:
- Calvin Theological Seminary. Recommended Commentaries. [2007]
"Popular style. Good for illustrations."
- Tate, Marvin E. "2004 Supplement with Update of Research and Bibliography" in Psalms 1-50. Word Biblical Commentary. (1983; 2nd ed. 2004).
Recommended by:
- Calvin Theological Seminary. Recommended Commentaries. [2007]
- Glynn, John. Commentary and Reference Survey: A Comprehensive Guide to Biblical and Theological Resources. (na; 10th ed. 2007).
- Tate, Marvin E. "2004 Supplement with Update of Research and Bibliography" in Psalms 1-50. Word Biblical Commentary. (1983; 2nd ed. 2004).
- Williams, Tyler F. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (2005).
1 star.
Seybold, Klaus. Die Psalmen. Handbuch zum Alten Testament 1/15. (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1996). Pp. viii + 548.
Reviewed by:
- Loren D. Crow (Wiley College) RBL 02/15/1999
- Tate, Marvin E. "2004 Supplement with Update of Research and Bibliography" in Psalms 1-50. Word Biblical Commentary. (1983; 2nd ed. 2004).
Stuhlmueller, Carroll. Psalms 1 (Psalms 1-72). Old Testament Message. 21. (Wilmington, DE: Michael Glazier, 1983).
Recommended by:
- Mays, James L. Psalms. Interpretation. (1994).
- Tate, Marvin E. "2004 Supplement with Update of Research and Bibliography" in Psalms 1-50. Word Biblical Commentary. (1983; 2nd ed. 2004).
Stuhlmueller, Carroll. Psalms 2 (Psalms 73-150). Old Testament Message. 22. (Wilmington, DE: Michael Glazier, 1983).
Recommended by:
- Mays, James L. Psalms. Interpretation. (1994).
- Tate, Marvin E. "2004 Supplement with Update of Research and Bibliography" in Psalms 1-50. Word Biblical Commentary. (1983; 2nd ed. 2004).
Recommended by:
- Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary. Basic Library Booklist. (na; Revised ed. 2005).
- Evans, John F. A Guide to Biblical Commentaries and Reference Works. (na; 5th ed, revised. na).
- Glynn, John. Commentary and Reference Survey: A Comprehensive Guide to Biblical and Theological Resources. (na; 10th ed. 2007).
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 3rd ed. 2003).
*Five-star rated commentary.
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
"Indeed, if a pastor or layperson wants just one Psalms commentary, this is it." Layperson/Minister. 5 stars.
- Rosscup, James E. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors. (1966; Revised & enlarged ed. 2004).
#1 Detailed Exegetical
- The Buswell Library. Selected Old Testament Commentaries. (7 May, 2002).
Conservative. [American Evangelical]
Recommended by:
- Carroll R., M. Daniel & Richard S. Hess. Annotated Old Testament Bibliography. (Denver Journal. (2005).
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
Layman/Ministers. 3 stars.
Recommended by:
- Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary. Basic Library Booklist. (na; Revised ed. 2005).
- Glynn, John. Commentary and Reference Survey: A Comprehensive Guide to Biblical and Theological Resources. (na; 10th ed. 2007).
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
Layperson/Ministers. 5 stars.
- Rosscup, James E. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors. (1966; Revised & enlarged ed. 2004).
#1 Expositional Survey
Grogan, Geoffrey W. Psalms. The Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary. (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2008). Pp. xi + 490.
Mays, James L. Psalms. Interpretation. (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994). Pp. 457.
Reviewed by:
- Eugene H. Peterson (Regent College) Theology Today 04/1995
- Calvin Theological Seminary. Recommended Commentaries. [2007]
"Sets forth what the psalms say about God, creation, humanity, and the life of faith. Proceeds with an awareness that the psalms were originally composed for worship. Mays is often lyric in stirring observations on the psalms. Great for preachers."
- Carroll R., M. Daniel & Richard S. Hess. Annotated Old Testament Bibliography. (Denver Journal. (2005).
"This is a theological and practical commentary set within the contexts of the canon of Scripture and the history of interpretation."
- Carroll R., M. Daniel, Hélène Dallaire, & Richard S. Hess. Annotated Old Testament Bibliography. Denver Journal. (2007).
- Evans, John F. A Guide to Biblical Commentaries and Reference Works. (na; 5th ed, revised. na).
"Worthwhile for purchase but not a first priority."
- Glynn, John. Commentary and Reference Survey: A Comprehensive Guide to Biblical and Theological Resources. (na; 10th ed. 2007).
- Goldingay, John E. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (2001).
"Conservatively Liberal."
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 3rd ed. 2003).
*Five-star rated commentary.
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
"…focuses on the literary expression and theological message of the Psalms…. The author downplays historical and form-critical approaches." Laymen/Ministers. 4 stars.
- Mays, James L. Preaching and Teaching the Psalms. Patrick D. Miller & Gene M. Tucker, eds. (2006).
- Seybold, Klaus. "Psalms, Book of" in The Encyclopedia of Christianity. Edited by Geoffrey W. Bromiley & David B. Barrett. (1999; 2003).
- Tate, Marvin E. "2004 Supplement with Update of Research and Bibliography" in Psalms 1-50. Word Biblical Commentary. (1983; 2nd ed. 2004).
- The Buswell Library. Selected Old Testament Commentaries. (7 May, 2002).
- Williams, Tyler F. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (2005).
1 star.
Technical Exegesis
Purchase: [WTS | CBD | Amazon]
Allen, Leslie C. Psalms 101–150. John D. W. Watts, ed. Word Biblical Commentary. Vol. 21. (Waco, TX: Word Books, 1983; 2nd ed. Dallas, TX: Word Books, 2002).
Critical. Ugaritic background/shaping/style analysis.
Recommended by:
- Akin, Daniel L. Building a Theological Library. (2006).
- Akin, Daniel L. Building a Theological Library: The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
- Calvin Theological Seminary. Recommended Commentaries. [2007]
"Explores how Psalms demonstrates the spiritual life of Israel."
- Carroll R., M. Daniel & Richard S. Hess. Annotated Old Testament Bibliography. (Denver Journal. (2005).
"A balanced and comprehensive Evangelical survey of exegesis in these psalms."
- Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary. Basic Library Booklist. (na; Revised ed. 2005).
"Contains some theological errors."
- Evans, John F. A Guide to Biblical Commentaries and Reference Works. (na; 5th ed, revised. na).
- Glynn, John. Commentary and Reference Survey: A Comprehensive Guide to Biblical and Theological Resources. (na; 10th ed. 2007).
- Longman, Tremper, III. How to Read the Psalms. (2006).
…very helpful in the area of the structure of the psalms which he covers. He also does an admirable job of discussing the meaning of the psalm within its Old Testament context. It is one of the better commentaries on the Psalms available to the evangelical.
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 3rd ed. 2003).
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
Minister/Scholar. 2.5 stars.
- Mays, James L. Preaching and Teaching the Psalms. Patrick D. Miller & Gene M. Tucker, eds. (2006).
- Mays, James L. Psalms. Interpretation. (1994).
- The Buswell Library. Selected Old Testament Commentaries. (7 May, 2002).
2 stars
Conservative-Critical. [American Evangelical] Ugaritic background/shaping/style analysis.
Recommended by:
- Akin, Daniel L. Building a Theological Library. (2006; na).
- Akin, Daniel L. Building a Theological Library: The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
- Calvin Theological Seminary. Recommended Commentaries. [2007]
"Communicates the emotional and theological impact of the Psalms as originally experienced by the people of Israel in their public worship and in private devotions."
- Carroll R., M. Daniel & Richard S. Hess. Annotated Old Testament Bibliography. (Denver Journal. (2005).
*Exemplary. "Ugaritic studies and theological insights with practical application."
- Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary. Basic Library Booklist. (na; Revised ed. 2005).
- Evans, John F. A Guide to Biblical Commentaries and Reference Works. (na; 5th ed, revised. na).
- Glynn, John. Commentary and Reference Survey: A Comprehensive Guide to Biblical and Theological Resources. (na; 10th ed. 2007).
- Longman, Tremper, III. How to Read the Psalms. (2006).
This is perhaps the best scholarly commentary available to the evangelical world. …This commentary is particularly strong in getting at the meaning of the Psalms in their Old Testament contexts. …This study is particularly weak in seeing how the psalm anticipates the coming of Jesus and in its application to everyday life.
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 3rd ed. 2003).
*Five-star rated commentary.
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
"This commentary is a must-buy for a serious student of the Psalms, but it should be complemented by a commentary that isstrong in its theological insight (like Kidner)." Minister/Scholarly. 2.5 stars.
- Mays, James L. Psalms. Interpretation. (1994).
- Rosscup, James E. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors. (1966; Revised & enlarged ed. 2004).
#5 Detailed Exegetical
- Stuart, Douglas K. A Guide to Selecting and Using Bible Commentaries. (1990).
- The Buswell Library. Selected Old Testament Commentaries. (7 May, 2002).
- Williams, Tyler F. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (2005).
1 star.
Liberal—Critical. Longman, "In brief, this commentary on the Psalms is idiosyncratic and, accordingly, virtually unusable. Dahood makes numerous emendations to the sense of the Psalms by recourse to cognate languages. Unfortunately, he has no discernible methodological justification for many of his statements. This is a good commentary to avoid."
Recommended by:
- Barber, Cyril J. The Minister's Library. (1974. Reprint ed. 1985).
"Helpful for the expositor."
- Danker, F. W. Multipurpose Tools for Bible Study. (na; 3rd edition, slightly revised. 1970).
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
"Very eccentric." Scholarly. 1 star.
Recommended by:
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
"This is an excellent tool for scholars because of its scholarship and bibliographies." Scholarly. 4 stars.
Reviewed by:
- Thomas Hieke (University of Regensburg) RBL 06/2003
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
"This is an excellent tool for scholars because of its scholarship and bibliographies." Scholarly. 4 stars.
[American Evangelical]
Reviewed by:
- Philippus J. Botha (University of Pretoria) RBL 02/2008
"The reader can thus expect to find a scientific commentary, but one with a softer approach and with a focus on the message of the book of Psalms and on the message of each individual psalm."
"Its strongest feature might be the stimulating and challenging remarks the author makes in the discussion of the theology of each psalm."
Recommended by:
- Glynn, John. Commentary and Reference Survey: A Comprehensive Guide to Biblical and Theological Resources. (na; 10th ed. 2007).
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
"The best Psalms commentary for the meaning of the book in its original setting." Ministers/Scholarly. 3.5 stars.
- Williams, Tyler F. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (2005).
2 stars.
Goldingay, John E. Psalms: Psalms 42-89. Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms. Vol. 2. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 2007).
[American Evangelical]
Goldingay, John E. Psalms: Psalms 90-150. Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms. Vol. 3. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, forthcoming).
[American Evangelical]
Gunkel, Hermann. Die Psalmen. Edited by Wilhelm G. H. Nowack. Göttinger Hand-kommentar zum Alten Testament. (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, na; 5th ed. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1958).
[General Protestant]
Recommended by:
- Childs, Brevard S. Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture. (1979).
- Danker, F. W. Multipurpose Tools for Bible Study. (na; 3rd edition, slightly revised. 1970).
"Takes precedence over…Briggs, ICC."
- Seybold, Klaus. "Psalms, Book of" in The Encyclopedia of Christianity. Edited by Geoffrey W. Bromiley & David B. Barrett. (1999; 2003).
Hossfeld, Frank & Erich Zenger. Psalms 2: A Commentary on Psalms 51-100. Edited by Klaus Baltzer. English translation by Linda M. Maloney. Hermeneia. (Philadelphia, PA: Fortress Press, 2005). Pp. 552.
Reviewed by:
- Thomas J. Kraus RBL 01/2006
- William P. Brown (Columbia Theological Seminary) Interpretation 05/2007
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
Scholarly. 2 stars.
- Williams, Tyler F. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (2005).
2 stars.
Recommended by:
- Carroll R., M. Daniel & Richard S. Hess. Annotated Old Testament Bibliography. (Denver Journal. (2005).
"A comprehensive review of scholarship and detailed commentary on the Psalms.
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
Scholarly. 3 stars.
- Mays, James L. Psalms. Interpretation. (1994).
- The Buswell Library. Selected Old Testament Commentaries. (7 May, 2002).
- Williams, Tyler F. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (2005).
1 star.
Recommended by:
- Mays, James L. Psalms. Interpretation. (1994).
- The Buswell Library. Selected Old Testament Commentaries. (7 May, 2002).
- Williams, Tyler F. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (2005).
1 star.
Critical. Ugaritic background/shaping/style analysis.
Recommended by:
- Akin, Daniel L. Building a Theological Library. (2006).
- Akin, Daniel L. Building a Theological Library: The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
- Calvin Theological Seminary. Recommended Commentaries. [2007]
- Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary. Basic Library Booklist. (na; Revised ed. 2005).
"Contains some theological errors."
- Evans, John F. A Guide to Biblical Commentaries and Reference Works. (na; 5th ed, revised. na).
- Glynn, John. Commentary and Reference Survey: A Comprehensive Guide to Biblical and Theological Resources. (na; 10th ed. 2007).
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
Ministers/Scholarly. 4 stars.
- Mays, James L. Psalms. Interpretation. (1994).
- The Buswell Library. Selected Old Testament Commentaries. (7 May, 2002).
Terrien, Samuel L. The Psalms: Strophic Structure and Theological Commentary. Eerdmans Critical Commentary. (2 vols. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co, 2003). Pp. 971.
Reviewed by:
- James L. Crenshaw (Duke University) RBL 8/16/2003
- Gerald H. Wilson (Azusa Pacific University) RBL 8/23/2003
- Willem A. VanGemeren Trinity Journal, 2004
- Ralph W. Klein Currents in Theology and Mission 6/2003
Recommended by:
- Carroll R., M. Daniel & Richard S. Hess. Annotated Old Testament Bibliography.
Denver Journal. (2005).*Exemplary. "A theological and practical exegesis of the Psalms from an expert in Wisdom literature; with translation."
- Carroll R., M. Daniel, Hélène Dallaire, & Richard S. Hess. Annotated Old Testament Bibliography. Denver Journal. (2007).
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
"…a bit idiosyncratic." Ministers/Scholarly. 2 stars.
- Tate, Marvin E. "2004 Supplement with Update of Research and Bibliography" in Psalms 1-50. Word Biblical Commentary. (1983; 2nd ed. 2004).
Reviewed by:
- Samuel Terrien (Union Theological Seminary) Theology Today 10/1963
- Carroll R., M. Daniel & Richard S. Hess. Annotated Old Testament Bibliography. (Denver Journal. (2005).
"Focus on annual festivals and the psalms' role in them."
- Danker, F. W. Multipurpose Tools for Bible Study. (na; 3rd edition, slightly revised. 1970).
"This commentary focuses on the theological meaning of the psalms and is often stimulating. The orientation is Barthian. Weiser tends to go overboard with his connections with a hypothetical covenant festival."
- Longman, Tremper, III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. (1991; 4th ed. 2007).
"…often theologically insightful. One must be aware of the neoorthodox perspective from which the author is writing…" Layperson/Minister. 2 stars.
- Mays, James L. Psalms. Interpretation. (1994).
Return to the Outline of Sources for Studying the Psalms.
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